EverCheck Wallet: Digital License Management for Healthcare

In our years of serving healthcare employers, we’ve heard countless times about the challenges of managing and tracking licenses, especially physical licenses like course completion cards issued by the American Heart Association.

Often, our partners find themselves in a back-and-forth dance with their candidates and employees. They request license updates; caregivers struggle to find the time and means to submit the updates. Candidates aren’t quite clear on what licensing information to submit to employers, and our partners struggle to ensure these caregivers are qualified to start working.

The process has forever been a cumbersome one for all parties involved. But we’re in the business of technology, so naturally, we assume that every problem has a solution… we just haven’t thought of it yet.

So we put pen to paper and dreamt up an idea. What if an app existed that allowed licensed healthcare professionals to self-submit updates to employers and for employers to request updates when needed?

Then we built it.


EverCheck Wallet allows healthcare professionals to manage their licenses EC-Wallet-Clay-iPhone-Android-2and other credentials from anywhere. Unlike other applications that act simply as a repository for licenses, EverCheck Wallet enables caregivers to see & submit what’s required, and healthcare employers can rest assured that everything submitted has been vetted and verified by EverCheck.

EverCheck Wallet users can upload, store, and submit licenses to employers, and, in turn, employers are able to request new licenses and license updates from candidates and employees.

And because the app is available on the web and for Apple and Android devices, EverCheck Wallet brings license management into the 21st century.

Here’s what EverCheck Wallet means for you and your staff.

Caregivers know exactly what you need from them.
Candidates and employees are able to log into EverCheck Wallet and see a list of to-do’s, like submitting all licenses required for the role they’re applying to or sending you a photo of their new AHA course completion card. It completely eliminates the question – what else do you need from me?

Everything happens digitally. EC-UploadLicense-Graphics
There’s no need for endless faxes, emails, or trips to the administrative offices. EverCheck Wallet gives users a way to submit all of their required licenses to you in a completely digital environment. They can either enter a license number, scan + upload a copy of their license, or capture a photo of the license. You’re able to review any and all documentation submitted.

American Heart Association-issued credentials, such as BLS and ACLS certifications, are much easier to manage.
EverCheck Wallet treats these licenses like any other. Caregivers can snap a photo of their course completion card to submit to their employer. EverCheck Wallet can also handle e-cards and RQI certifications, as well.

EverCheck Wallet works seamlessly with your EverCheck account.
EverCheck automatically verifies the licenses and other information users submit via the application, and the data is incorporated seamlessly into your EverCheck account. You’ll find the candidate’s or employees’ licenses within their profile, and all license data is included in your organization’s reporting metrics.

EverCheck Wallet continues to be a resource to your employees.
The application will send friendly reminders when a license is due for renewal. New messages will appear when you’ve requested a new license or an update to an existing one. Plus, our users can log in and see what licenses EverCheck has on file for them and the verification status for each.

Now, everything healthcare professionals need to manage their licensure is available from one intuitive application.

And because EverCheck Wallet saves everyone a substantial amount of time, it sends the message that your organization is investing in ways to keep the focus on patients and those who care for them.

See EverCheck Wallet in action. 

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