Healthcare HR has a collective software purchasing power of $10B. With that kind of leverage, you don’t have to settle for anything less than great technologies from solution providers.
The best solution providers are ever-evolving, making our work simpler and simpler with every new iteration. No matter the size of your organization, technology is changing the way we do business.
The real magic happens when two sophisticated applications come together and change the way we do business for the better. They communicate and share data in a way that provides real, meaningful output for users. That’s game-changing.
Changing the game – that’s EverCheck’s goal every day as we introduce new technologies to make your lives easier. And though our software is great by itself, it’s even more useful when paired with other robust HR solutions.
We innovate and evolve our software with a simple philosophy…
What can our product help our customers stop doing? And how can we help them focus on the important things?
With that in mind, here’s how integrating your HRIS with EverCheck will help you change the game. You can stop…
Updating your HRIS by hand.
Simply put, that is a huge waste of your time. You are in human resources, not data entry. With the integration, EverCheck updates your HRIS with primary source data every day. The process happens automatically. You don’t have to dedicate even a single minute to it.
Worrying that your data is trailing behind the real-time data.
Relax. EverCheck produces a direct replica of its data and stores it within the HRIS. Our software verifies every license with the Primary Source every day. It’s as close to keeping your HRIS data in real time.
Needing 2+ desktop monitors to see everything you need at once.
Spreadsheets and open tabs are everywhere, but none are speaking to each other! Replace your disconnected spreadsheets and applications. EverCheck acts as a flawless intermediary between the Primary Source and your HRIS. Plus, you have the tools you need to track and manage licensure in one system. Now, you can whittle down those open tabs!
Wondering whether an unlicensed employee is working.
Sometimes, employees let their licensure elapse. Or they receive disciplinary action against their license. Whatever the case may be, they may not be eligible to provide patient care. EverCheck relays these important changes to your HRIS. Your timekeeping software can prevent the employee from clocking in to work. This proactive prevention mechanism means peace of mind for you. Your organization also has an added level of protection. Win-win.
License verification done wrong can steal hours from healthcare HR’s day. License verification done right helps HR refocus its resources on other important initiatives. Helping you work smarter, not harder. That’s our goal.
Now let’s change the game together. Download your copy of EverCheck’s resource: The 7 Best Practices for License Verification.