6 Considerations for Choosing a License Verification Solution in Healthcare HR


There are usually a few very distinct reasons that healthcare HR professionals decide it’s time to take the plunge and begin vetting solutions to help them with their license verification process.

Did I really just spend an entire day verifying licenses?

I know it’s renewal time, but just look at this overtime report…

The Joint Commission will be here next month. Are we sure we’re 100% compliant?

Sound familiar?

Once you begin the process of researching and vetting solutions that automate the process, it’s easy to get lost in the shiny interfaces and fun features you didn’t even realize you were missing. However, it’s important to keep in mind that you have an important job ahead of you: deciding on a solution that’s the right fit for your organization.

To help you stay focused on what’s most important, here are six crucial considerations to help you choose the right solution for your team.


  1. How often does the solution verify licenses with the primary source?
    Ensure that the solution verifies licensure with the primary source daily. Of course, this methodology exceeds the standards set forth by The Joint Commission; however, it’s important to catch important changes as they happen rather than after. That way, if the change is significant enough to require the provider to be pulled from his or her work duty, it can be done immediately.
  1. Does the solution turn information into actionable insights?
    Although this is important for organizations of all sizes, it’s especially important for large health systems with a significant amount of employee primary source data on hand. Aggregate data can be turned into actionable insights and help you forecast heavy upcoming renewal periods, view renewal activity by state, see where your license compliance stands at an organizational level, and more.
  1. Does it help reduce your inbox/outbox clutter?
    You’re not alone if you send countless emails reminding staff and supervisors of upcoming license renewals. A solution should be able to provide automated email workflows that trigger when it captures important status changes from the primary source and automatically send renewal reminders to licensees and their supervisors. This helps keep your to-do list and outbox uncluttered and ensures busy licensees are given enough notice to renew on time.
  1. What integrations does it provide?
    A primary source verification solution should integrate seamlessly with your HRIS or system of record that you’re currently using; your HRIS needs to stay as up-to-date as the primary source data you’re provided. The solution should update the system of record with accurate expiration dates, etc.It’s also ideal if the solution can also integrate with your timekeeping system. This way, if a licensee becomes ineligible to work based on their license status, the integration can lock an employee out of clocking in.
  1. How adaptable is it?
    The solution should not only adapt to the changing requirements of the various regulatory agencies, but it should also be flexible to your organization’s needs. For instance, having the ability to segregate notifications by department, facility, state, or however you choose. License verification isn’t a one-size-fits-all process, so it’s important that the solution you choose to automate doesn’t take that approach, either.
  1. What other services is the company expecting to roll out within the next year?
    Does your vision for your processes align with the company’s vision for its solution, or will you soon be searching for other solutions to fill in the gaps it created? You don’t want to end up piecemealing software later, so be sure to go with the solution that’s comprehensive enough for what you need now and forward-thinking enough to adapt to future needs.Put simply, any automated license verification solution should act as a flawless intermediary between your organization and the primary source and as a true extension of your team.

Curious about what else you should be looking for when vetting license verification vendors? Check out EverCheck’s exclusive Buyer’s Guide to License Verification Solutions.

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